
So today I woke up at 3 in the morning and had to grab my phone to write some of my ideas. Mind you, half I could barely understand, the other half - I suppose we'll soon find out.

Lately I’m going through a crisis – I’m feeling a certain urgency. I can feel time ticking and it doesn’t feel good. It feels that life is too short and well, you never know. I suppose this urgency has been coming all the way from Africa. I met a lot of people and we knew we were never going to be around each other for a long time. Our time together was short. So we focused on our similarities rather than our differences and tried to make the most of it.

In reality, it’s not much different from our daily life. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

I suppose the reason why I’ve started this blog is that I’m seeing the ‘grand scheme of life’ in a sense. Maybe I will say ridiculous stuff or just bore my readers to death (which is fine ;) ) but at least I’m expressing myself and being at peace with myself. Or maybe I will inspire some people perhaps to volunteer or to come up with their own blog or own ideas. Who knows? The thing is I would have made a difference – and hopefully a positive one.

So today I woke up in the middle of the night because I got some ideas (thank you brain for ruining my sleep). Usually I just let them be and tell myself that I will remember them in the morning even though I know I won’t. Now I realise how the now will just ebb and flow; that today may be the last day I have any ideas and thus I have to act upon them. I have to try and be more active.

This is because time is too elusive. It will not go back (unless you’ve met the Doctor from Doctor Who - but yeah, good luck with that)… Time feels like water draining from your hands. You cannot avoid water from draining, it simply does. You don’t want to drain your life away.

Thus, if you want to make something happen just do it. Nobody will do it for you. Nobody can think the things you think, nobody can do what you do, nobody is you.

Today will pass. Do you want to make it worth it?

Incidentally, this song was the last thing I heard before I went to sleep and it says what I just said except more eloquently and less preachy:

Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield 

I hope I will follow my own advice cos it's easier said than done. 


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