The Butterfly Effect

I’ve always been very competitive; I’ve always been very competitive with myself. I remember as a kid, the last thing I used to tell myself before I went to sleep was that today I know more than yesterday; tomorrow I will know more than today. It’s an obsession. Not only with regards to how much knowledge I have attained but also to other aspects pertaining to my life. Sometimes I look at the mirror and wonder. If I had chosen a different path in life what would the reflection show? Would I look slimmer, fatter, prettier, or more repulsive? Would I be smarter, stupider, kinder or more selfish? Would I have more friends, less friends. Would I have made different friends? What kind of friends? Would I have more memories or more regrets? There’s a thing called 'the butterfly effect' – there's also a movie illustrating this concept. It’s about how a small thing – a flutter of the butterfly’s wing(s) can make a whole impact to the entire worl...