The Power of Music

I have lived a thousand lives; travelled to every corner of the world; spoken all the languages while locked in the Tower of Babel; been a fairy, dancer, singer, soldier - you name it … all through the power of music.

Music is not solely a universal language –  eliciting emotions of which we never knew, images of faraway places, and ideas remembered but promptly forgotten. It is also the only medium which makes sense when words fail; the one medium who understands when no one else does; the one who keeps connecting people through time, space and hue. It is in its true sense, the very essence of the transcendent. We only have to listen.

Listen to a song (ideally classical music) on a loop. Sleep and wake up to the same piece of music and don't get out of bed until you get its ‘feel’ - be it an emotion, an image, a thought process or a story. Let your imagination run rampant and unleash the playground which is thus born exploding inside the crevices of your mind. I believe that this very 'playground' is a part of the composer's thought processes - their past, their collective unconscious, their dreams, their fears - their whole embodiment; their entirety.

Thus, if we allow ourselves to listen closely – by letting the music become our blood and bone – we will understand.

It is as if we are able to listen to the composer’s soul in our own. It is as if the composer’s thoughts and feelings are transferred to us - subtly, unconsciously, residing deeper than any other medium of expression. It is like we unconsciously get to experience the composer’s life - somewhere very deep inside of us but ever more surely. It is really and truly, a true means of connecting with the eternal. 

I probably sound bonkers?

But yes, I believe in music -  truly, deeply and irrevocably.

Examples of very graphic and emotional music:


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