The Paradoxical Life

There comes a moment in life when your world suddenly makes sense. When you can suddenly breathe in, savour  the colours, embrace your senses and sing a little too.
The inertia which would have engulfed your days, months, years, nearly eternity finally stand still in a moment. The past finally dissolves to a new understanding, to clarity from the mist and ultimately to a whole new meaning in life.
All in a moment.
Mine was when I understood ‘paradox’ in my life.
I have had well – a very paradoxical life with its complexities. To play it safe read: love learning hate studying. Sounds familiar?
There are other examples which probably ring true to you too:
“The more connected we get, the more isolated we feel.” (Think internet)
” The only certainty is that nothing is ever certain.” (*soundtrack of Sound of Music* What will tomorrow bring? I wonder..).
Then there are the cruel ones that tear at the heartstrings until the strings rip apart and bleed if touched. For how can you live with them? Such as having a child who still in her youth receives a diagnosis of a terminal illness, or a parent who does not recognise you anymore because of dementia?
Paradoxes can be the ultimate too.
According to Jung (love this guy!) once paradoxes are integrated (e.g. mind and body; our negative traits and our positive traits) we become individuated; we become whole, complete.
What in life defines your ultimate paradox?


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