Finding Neverland

I've realised I've been sucked up in a whirlpool. I've been sucked up in routines and I’m drowning – but not yet, not quite. I've been slacking a little (so much for making the most of each day - what a joke) my brain doesn't feel fresh anymore. It feels as if it's rotting; decomposing. Please brain please stop feeling dull... Also please stop feeling emotionally drained. I work with children. Despite the ups and downs I absolutely love them. I absolutely love the vibes children send off – their innocence and their curiosity, their merry laughter and their playfulness. I feel that I can forget all of my woes, and that somehow I’m a child again. In all honesty, I still consider myself a child at times and I don't want to ever grow up. I want to be the female version of Peter Pan. Still looking for my own Neverland however. Help? Enough rambling. But yes, I need to somehow sort out my life, my mind, my room and my files (not the fli...